Pannus is a form of superficial keratitis, or inflammation of the cornea, found most commonly in German Shepherd Dogs, Greyhounds, and Siberian Huskies. 角膜血管翳是一种浅表性角膜炎,常见于德国牧羊犬、意大利灵缇犬和哈士奇。
Conclusion: There is more therapeutic effect of cornea toxicide for treating superficial lamella and middle groundsubstance herpes simplex viral keratitis. 结论:角膜解毒剂治疗浅层型和中基质型单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎有较好疗效。
The present paper is concerned with 10 cases of herpes simpler keratitis treated by superficial therapy with~ ( 32) phosphorus. The clinical observation showed certain effect in every case: 9 notable and well, and 1 advance. 本文介绍了~(32)磷~(32)Phosphorus敷贴法Superficialtherapy治疗单疱性角膜炎herpessimplerkeratitis10例,临床观察收到一定效果,其中显效与良好者9例,进步者1例。
19 of 32 superficial punctate keratitis were positive. An air attendant case of superficial punctate keratitis 浅层点状角膜炎32例中19例阳性,其他未定性角膜炎33例中14例阳性。空中乘务员双眼浅层点状角膜炎一例
Thygeson's Superficial Punctate Keratitis ( Report of 4 Cases) Thygeson表层点状角膜炎(附四例报告)
Corneal shield ulcers and superficial punctuate keratitis healed during the first week after surgery and did not recur. 手术后1周内,盾形角膜溃疡、角膜上皮点片状着色全部愈合,且在随访期间未复发。